Wedding Reception Speech Best Man Prewritten Maid Of Honor Toast Ideas.

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Best Man Maid / Matron Of Honor Toast or Speech

By Ryan Ringold

Does the thought of standing up in front of a wedding crowd to 'say a few words' have you shaking in your boots?

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If you answered yes, then don't worry because you're not alone! A recent survey discovered that public speaking is the #1 fear in a person's life and rated above the fear of death itself.

Wedding Speech or Toast?

The key to great public speaking is to prepare. The first step in preparing is know what is expected of you. Do you know the difference between 'saying a few words', 'giving a speech' and 'delivering a toast'?

Best Man, Maid of Honor Speeches

If you are the best man, maid of honor, or parents of the bridegroom, then you are expected to deliver a short speech during the wedding reception. This means that you are expected to give a 1-3 minute speech that concludes with a short toast to the bride and groom.

Groomsmen, Bridesmaid Toast

However, on the other hand, if you are a groomsmen, bridesmaid, friend or relative of the bride and groom and you want to give the couple your blessings during the reception, then be prepared to deliver a short toast between 1 and 6 lines long. You will not be expected to deliver a speech!

A toast is a blessing or good wish that is offered the married couple. It may be humorous, sentimental, serious, or a rhyme.

Honor the Newleyweds With Your Speech

Remember, during your wedding speech and toast the spotlight should not be removed from the newlyweds. Your speech should honor them. The guests are not expecting you to be a professional speaker and will appreciate the fact that you keep it short.

Length of Wedding Toast

There is no rule on how long you must speak while delivering a wedding speech, however, 1-3 minutes is recommended. Speak from your heart about the couple, touch on their strong characteristics, and mention the changes you've seen since the couple has met and you'll be well on your way to delivering a memorable speech! If you get stuck, just look at the couple and tell them why you respect them or share some fond memories and then offer a toast.

Don't worry-- you'll do great!

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Ideas for Wedding Speeches

Length of the Wedding Speech

One to three minutes is the recommended length for a Best Man or Matron of Honor wedding speech.

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